
How to Become a Voice Actor for Cartoons and Animation?

Animation is one of the most popular forms of media today, with children and adults alike enjoying watching cartoons and comedy shows. However, the industry of voice acting is still relatively new, with many people unaware of its potential. In this article, we are going to teach you everything you need to know in order to become a voice actor for cartoons and animation.

What is Voice Acting?

Voice acting is the process of performing the voices of characters in animated films, television shows, video games, and other media. Up until very recently, voice acting was only done by professional actors; however, with the advent of technology and digital projects, voice acting is now commonly done by amateur actors as well. What are some benefits to becoming a voice actor?

– First and foremost, voice acting can be a very lucrative career. Voice actors can often make a great living from their work, and the field is growing rapidly due to the increasing popularity of digital media.

– Second, voice acting can be a very versatile career. You can use your skills as a voice actor to work in many different types of media projects.

– Finally, voice acting can be a very fun career. There is something intrinsically enjoyable about performing the voices of characters in animated films and television shows.

How to Become a Voice Actor?


Voice acting is a great way to make a living from your voice. In this article, we will outline the steps you need to take to become a voice actor for cartoons and animation.

  1. The first step is to find an agent. An agent can help you get started in the voice acting world and can scout new opportunities for you. You can find agents through online directories or by contacting studios directly.
  2. Once you have an agent, the next step is to find work. This can be difficult, but there are many ways to find work as a voice actor. You can attend casting calls, submit your portfolio to studios, or network with other voice actors.
  3. If you want to get into character acting, then you will need to train your voice. This training can be done through workshops or online courses. Once you have learned the basics of voice acting, it is time to start auditioning!

The Different Types of Voice Acting

There are many different types of voice acting, and each has its own set of requirements. To become a voice actor for cartoons and animation, you’ll need to have excellent vocal control and a strong voice. You’ll also need to be able to convincingly imitate different voices, and be comfortable working in a variety of environments. Here are some of the most common types of voice acting:

  1. Commercials and advertising: This is the most common type of voice acting, and it involves imitating the voices of real-life people or products. You’ll usually need to have a clear, resonant voice to do this well.
  2. Animation: This is the most common type of voice acting for cartoons and animation. You’ll need to have a versatile voice that can sound young, old, angry, happy, etc. If you are a woman, you will also need to know how to do it as a male voice actor and vice versa.
  3. Podcasts: Podcasts are becoming more and more popular, and they often use voice actors to create character voices or provide sound effects. If you’re interested in this type of work, make sure you have a great microphone and an ability to read fast.
  4. Video Games: Video games often use voice actors to provide the voices of characters and other sound effects. If you’re interested in this type of work, make sure you have a good voice and the ability to perform multiple voices quickly.
  5. Training and education: Many voice acting studios offer training programs that teach you how to become a better voice actor. This is an excellent way to get started in the industry, and it can give you the skills you need to work in any type of voice acting.

How to Prepare for Voice Acting Auditions?


There are a few things you need to do in order to prepare for voice acting auditions.

  • First, you’ll want to make sure that your voice is strong and clear.
  • Second, practice your voice acting skills regularly.
  • And finally, be prepared to audition with a variety of accents and voices.

How Much Does it Cost to Become a Voice Actor?

Becoming a voice actor for cartoons and animation can be expensive, but the rewards can be great. The average cost of a voice actor’s training is $30,000, but that price can vary depending on the level of training required. Most voice actors work on a contract basis, which means they are paid based on the number of hours they work. The average contract is for six months, but some voice actors have contracts that last for several years.

Most voice actors start their career by auditioning for jobs in animated television shows and movies. After they are cast, they attend voice training to learn how to do their character’s voices correctly. Once they have learned the character’s voice well, they start working on recording sessions for the show or movie.

The main benefits of becoming a voice actor for cartoons and animation include being able to work from home, having flexible hours, and having a wide range of characters to choose from. The main challenge of becoming a voice actor for cartoons and animation is learning how to do accents and perform different voices convincingly.



If you’re interested in becoming a voice actor for cartoons and animation, there are a few things you need to know.

First, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make it as a voice actor. Second, the pay isn’t always great (although it has been increasing in recent years), but the satisfaction of helping bring characters to life is well worth it.

If you have an interest in this field and are willing to put in the effort, we encourage you to check out some resources online and learn everything you can about becoming a voice actor. With enough practice and perseverance, your dream of working in animation or cartoons could become reality!

Darinka Aleksic

Hey there! I'm Darinka, a seasoned editor with a passion for digital marketing. I've been in this field for years, and I find it endlessly fascinating. Sports, technology, and gaming are my main interests, but I also love cooking in my spare time, which often inspires my work. Outside of editing, I'm a tennis coach and a proud mother of two daughters, whom I adore spending time with. I'm a big fan of following celebrities like Novak Djokovic too!

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